Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Total Frat Move

I'm sure most of you have already found this site but I figured I'd share some of my favorite posts and pictures!

150 years ago today South Carolina seceded from the Union. TFM.
Growing up, I thought "Dress to Impress" was the golden rule. TFM.
I hold my bourbon in my left hand so I can throw the grip with my right. TFM.
I'm a Hepburn, not a Hilton. TSM.
Gingerbread mansion. TSM.
I practice my picture poses in the mirror before I go out. TSM.


  1. I read TFM daily! I love that you love it too. :) Have a great day! xoxo.

  2. To say that I am obsessed with TFM would be the understatement of the century. I love the Kappa Sig picture! xox
